Let us say, we are trying to sew a torn pocket or trying our hand at embroidery. We always thread the needle with a long length of thread, so that we have to re-thread the needle minimum number of times.
We start stitching. Initially the length of the thread is so long, that it is not easy to manage. We are very cautious as we do not want the thread to knot up. We keep assuring ourselves that soon the length would reduce, and then it would become manageable. We are hopeful and not content. We are irritable and are constantly fearing about the knots.
We continue stitching till the thread has become so small, that it is difficult to proceed any further. We say to ourselves, "two more stitches and then I shall re-thread the needle". It is again not easy to manage. We squeeze the cloth, twist it a bit and try our best to get those two last stitches and the final knot.
We were aware of the length of the thread initially while it was long and not easy to manage. We hoped for it to become smaller soon. And then we became aware of the length when the thread had become so small that it was difficult to proceed.
Did we appreciate the length of the thread while it was right?
Did we appreciate the length of the thread while it was right?