Monday 12 September 2011


Just one smoke before I go to bed

There are many times in life we make a mistake knowing all its consequences and choose to regret it in leisure. It shows how weak a human we are. We kill our own conscious to give-in to a temptation. Can addiction fall into the same category?
Every man is born with a great amount of will power. But we choose to believe that we are slave to our habits. Human mind is far more powerful than we know. It is not that we cannot get over an addiction, we don't realise that we do not want to get out of it.
Some like the attitude of being a rebel. Some like to be identified by their addictions. Some just want to fit into a group. Deep inside is a reason why you want to be addicted. Search your soul for answers and then choose to give-up or continue whatever you are doing, without blaming nicotine, alcohol, weed, caffeine or sex as addictive.

Monday 3 January 2011

Happy New Year!

Today is the first working day of this new year!
I had stayed back at my uncle's place last night. Got up quite early. Thought I shall go back to my place, freshen up and start this new year with a fresh note.
I left his home as soon as possible, so that i do not disturb the others still sleeping.
I had no money in hand. There was a Canara Bank ATM nearby. Tried to withdraw from it. Got a slip "transaction denied". So I thought of trying my luck with the HDFC ATM a few steps away.
After I entered this ATM i realised that I had left my card back in the earlier ATM!!

Now I had no cash and no card!
I walked from 4bunglows to Andheri station.. Thankfully I had train coupons. Used it to travel till Borivali. Then walked from Borivali station to SFIT!!!
Whatta morning walk! And the best way to begin this year!!
I just hope my year is not filled with any more such goof ups!!
Wish you a goof-up free new year!

Thursday 21 October 2010

Another reason to love this city

Just another day! I m travelling from home to college by bus. There is a huge traffic jam at a 4-road crossing, with no traffic signals or police.
The bus is stagnant for almost 10 minutes. I tried to look out through the window. Could see nothing more than a sea of vehicles meeting each other in all directions. I thought we were going to be stuck there for the next one hour.

Then suddenly there is movement. I wondered how it could be resolved so quickly.
As the bus moved closer to the junction, I see 4-5 shopkeepers helping the traffic to dissolve!!
I could not imagine another city with such a spirit of unity!
I have fallen in love with this city once again!

Monday 13 September 2010

Art Of Learning!

Have u ever wondered how do u learn new skills?
I had never given much thought to it until the day I could not learn something new!
I had always been a fast learner.. be it riding a bicycle, or a motor bike or writing a program.. I always somehow knew it beforehand, or that is what I used to feel whenever I got to do something new and I could learn it real quick. So I never really paid attention to the art of learning.. I just assumed it as a way of life, until came Friday!
I had been to Essel World on Friday. It has a ice skating rink.. I had never tried ice-skating.. Infact I had never even tried skating on wheels.. I thought why not give it a try.. It shouldnt be difficult.
Confidently wore the shoes, and walked into the ice rink, just to meet my biggest fall! To get back on my feet was a challenge. The instructors in there gave me a hand, and some tips on how to move around without loosing my balance. I tried for more than an hour. I was cold and badly bruised by then. I decided to GIVE UP! I could not understand how I could not learn something which others could do!
Then I realised that I have grown old. The first fall had created a kind of fear within me, the fear of falling, the fear of getting hurt. This held me back from trying. To learn a new skill, you must try until you succeed.
While I was younger, I did not care for the wounds or the pain followed. I did not care for the scars it could leave. All that mattered was to do it. But now... Do I sound like I m 80 already!! @#$^&*@#$

Friday 3 September 2010

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Lady on my bed.

It was 4 in the morning. Nature's call forced me to wake up from my slumber. My eye lids were heavy and sleep forced me to keep them closed. Yet the call was urgent and had to get up.

Slowly I opened my eyes and in the dark, I could see an image of an elderly woman seated at the end of my bed. She looked worn out and did not move. I thought it was the kind of images darkness forces you to see as you open your eyes. So I closed my eyes again, waited for a few seconds and then tried to look again. She seemed to be there just the way she had been. She hadn't moved by an inch!

The usual fear created by the power of my imagination creeped in. I closed my eyes again wondering how powerful my hallucinations have become. They had now started to take definite shapes and linger for much longer than just glimpses!

I lay with my eyes closed. Some thoughts were trying to analyse the image, while some trying to shoo the image away. Who could it be? Or is it just the way curtain falls in the darkness? Or do ghosts really exist? But the nature's call interrupted me reminding of my presence and my need to take a visit to you know where. So I looked again, and she was right there!

I got freaked and screamed out my room-mate's name. She turned the lights on, only to find NO ONE at the end of my bed!

Guess I scared the poor lady away ;)

Saturday 20 February 2010

Come home for DOSA!

Goofing up has become a part of being me. Today’s story is just another one of my deeds, in fact I would call it 'being myself'.

Being a south-Indian I am expected to be good at making dosas. Once in a while they do turn out perfectly circular, crisp and in one piece! Last evening was one such times where everything seemed right. I assumed to have perfected the art. I had enough batter left and chutney to go with it.

So I decided to make dosas for all my friends and flaunt my skills. I invited everyone who was in the staffroom home for dosa and tea. Six of my friends trusted me and came home as well! My room mate and her boyfriend were also at home. This means I had to serve for nine plates.

I confidently took the batter and added some water. When the tava was hot I tried to spread the batter with the spoon, just like a professional. Unfortunately it did not need any 'spreading'. It was already 'flowing'. The “some” water that I had mixed was actually a LOT of water. So, you can now imagine the state of my dosas!

Everyone got to try their expertise with the art, but the batter did not seem to give in. We threw some of the dosas, while we landed up eating some sticky ones. Everyone complimented the chutney, that I had bought from a near by shop, instead of commenting on the dosas. Wasn't that really sweet of them!

Whether we had good butter dosas as planned or not, we sure had a good tea and a good time together.

Monday 10 August 2009

My First Omelette!!!

Well let me start with a bit of background as to why create a post for something as small as making an omelette.

I come from a vegetarian family, which instilled ‘non-violence to animals’ from a very young age, deep within me. Moreover, as a kid, I was too weak. Doctors had advised my mother to give me at least an egg every day. My mother had forced me to do so for more than two years! She used to make me eat a whole egg raw, half boiled, boiled, omelette or any way, but made sure I ate an egg every single day! This kind of made me avert eggs totally. My father and sister have eggs occasionally, but I could never even think of it.

I have been having mouth ulcers for the past 20 days. I went to the doctor as I seemed to be getting a new ulcer everyday! The moment my Doc heard me out, he asked me if I was going through some sudden mental stress. I was not sure of it. Then he asked me if I was a vegetarian, obviously yes. Then he asked my milk consumption. It is negligible (I don’t like milk). He said I was deficient of Vitamin B12 and that was the cause of my misery. The only sources of Vitamin B12 was meat, eggs and milk, none of which I have. But that still dint give me a reason to start having non-veg.

Saturday evening, I was all alone in my flat. I was hungry. I went looking for noodles to realize it was over. Then digged my fridge for bread, only to see it fungi filled. Disappointed and hungry, I went back to reading my novel (“Irresistible Forces” by Danielle Steel). After some time I realised that I found eggs in the fridge. Then I thought why not give it a try.

I cut a whole onion and a tomato for one omelette. I chopped a chilly into it a
nd added lots of salt as well. I dint want to know the taste of egg. Broke an egg and added it into it. Breaking eggs is not new to me. I use it to wash my hair with it. Dashed the mix for a while. I have seen my boyfriend making omelettes, so I knew I was going the right way. Then poured a lot of oil on the tava and heated it. Poured the mix into the tava, it spread by itself into a perfect circle! That was easy. I don’t know whether an omelette is cooked both sides. But I did :-)

Now it was eating time. The first bite took me a lot of courage and self pushing. It dint taste all that bad. I could feel more of onion and tomato than the egg. Then, when I took the second bite, I puked! My boyfriend always asked me to start eating eggs. He says that is the fastest and tastiest food we can have when we live alone. So I decided to give it a another try. Drank a lot of water. This time I tried it with some pickle. It was OK. Still not something that I could relish. I decided not to give up and continued eating till it was over. Much to my surprise, I finished it, and I dint puke!!

I have eaten a whole omelette now! I plan to try another one sometime soon. Hope I succeed :-)

Friday 1 August 2008

Kristal Ka Side Effects

I bought a Bajaj Kristal recently (June 20, 2008). I m a bit short.. so decided to settle down with a Kristal or Scooty. I am not able to reach down when i use Activa.I have been riding for the past 12 years.. My first vehicle was TVS champ (in 1996).. then had a Kinetic Honda DX(in 1999).. then an Activa (in 2005). Now Kristal. Yes, this one gives me a very good mileage.. almost 55-60Kms/Ltr.. But I not happy with the vehicle. There are a lot of discomforts, not one.

Let me start with the performance of this vehicle. It has the worst pick up I can say. For a 95cc vehicle, it does not give enough. It takes almost 12-15 seconds to accelerate from 0-40Kms/hr. This is really worse than our good old Scooty (70cc). I remember my DX zooming to 50Kms/hr in a fraction of a second, yes ofcourse it is a 2-stroke engine.

Second best thing is that after riding for sometime, say 20 minutes, the vehicle starts pulling. When I release the throttle the engines switches off. I have to wait for minimum 2-3 minutes before I can restart the vehicle and continue my journey. It is very difficult to do this when we are amidst traffic. Not to comment on Bangalore traffic. The cars just wait for a chance to honk away.

Next is the design or the make. It does not give a good sitting posture. I suffer from pains on my shoulder and upper back on riding it for half an hour or so. This is because of the poor design the vehicle has. I used to not face this with Activa or my DX.

To top this all is the service station. This is the most pathetic service I have ever received. I had filled my tank for almost Rs.100/- (approx 1.85 Ltr, I can cover more than 110Kms with this). I had rode for just 8-10 Kms. This means I can ride for another 100Kms atleast. Let us assume they had used around 250ml of petrol for cleaning the engine (which I am sure they have not done), I should still be able to ride another 70-75Kms. I get the vehicle back from service, and hardly 15-20Kms later, I am standing in the road without petrol!!!!! Should I call this pilferege or day-light robbery?? Well, you can ask me why I gave my vehicle with petrol. I used my Activa for almost 3 years before this. This has never happened there. Even if I were to have Rs.50/- of petrol in the tank, I would get it back the very same way. That is the kind of reputation Honda service centers have built.

Now to talk about the serving part, I was not there standing next to them when they did it. But out of my 12 years of riding experience, I can surely say if my vehicle has been serviced or not. I am very dissapointed to say that there is nothing done to the vehicle during the 1st service!!! I have got the vehicle back with nothing more than a water wash. There was a call from Bajaj for feedback. I told them clearly what has happened. Its been almost a month since i heard from them. So they dont mind having a unhappy customer.

About the engine oil, my engine has been ceasing very often. I doubt if they have changed the engine oil during the service (though I was charged Rs.200/-, yes Two Hundred Rupees for the oil)

Overall.. I regret for not buying a Scooty or Pleausure. Now I realize why I find so few of the Kristals while there are sooooooo many Scootys all around Bangalore. So anybody in the look out for a new vehicle..... please strike Kristal out of your list. Thanks for your time.